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Album officialy released in February 2002 and then re-released every week since then... Check out such memorable hits as : "Loving Online" , "But Wait There is More", "Natural Guy" .. but that's not all, the hits just keep on coming ... and if you act within the next thirty minutes you will be that much closer to owning this music jewel (I like that - "music jewel")... You can listen to all songs right here ... WOOHOOO !

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Band of Five Me's on :
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All songs on the album with brief descriptions are listed below. Lyrics to all songs are provided by clicking on "Lyrics" link ( duhh .. )

1. Loving Online : (Lyrics)
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This song talks about two people meeting on the Internet. They are insecure initially about themselves and over expectant of the other person .. but love has its strange ways ... After getting to really know each other they connect ... and live happily ever after ....

2. Exact Directions : (Lyrics)
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This is an account of what I go through to visit my girl that lives in another part of town. Driving anywhere in Los Angeles can be very tedious due to overwhelming traffic ... by the way ... these directions are real and based on actual events ... Watch out for this song. It's very catchy.

3. Natural Guy : (Lyrics)
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While I was taking a shower one day I imagined what it would be like to stop showering, shaving and taking care of hygienic needs. I would become a Natural Guy.... Now all I need is a natural girl... When I played this song to a friend of mine, he immediately said " Hey, is this song about Bob?" .. I guess people can relate ...

4. But Wait There is More : (Lyrics)
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Infomercial spoof. It's hard to listen to this song without a smile appearing on your face. I will try to sell you the perfect product, it's amazing, doesn't stick, scratch or burn ...

5. The Band of Five Me's : (Lyrics)
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I am forming my own boy band in this song. With the advent of computers, music software and video special effects, I am presenting myself as all five members, singing all the parts and trying to fool the public into believing that this is a real boy band....

6. Come Another Time : (Lyrics)
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You work on your project, your act, your song for a long time putting forward all of your efforts. You search for your five minutes of fame. When encountering the decision maker they tell you how you are great and how you are wonderful, but you need to work on it a bit more and please "Come Another Time"...

7. Suburban Musician : (Lyrics)
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A song about musicians that have regular lives in the suburbs and cannot relate to all the suffering and drama in many of today's songs as well as in the rock classics..... Each verse contains a title of a well known song. Suburban Musician analyzes each of these songs ...

8. Kelly 90210 : (Lyrics)
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This song is a dedication to Kelly from the TV show "Beverly Hills 90210". The song was created when the TV show came out in the early nineties. It is one of my personal favorites and I wanted to include it in this album ...

9. Nine : (Lyrics)
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My head is crammed with instances of number nine in society since everything you buy these days and anything that is advertised has nines in the price. I thought I might as well write a dedication song about nines. 99% of the (Lyrics) of this song are the word "nine"...

10. Piece of Chocolate : (Lyrics)
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An ode to all people that like to eat and all waiters out there trying to serve picky customers ... sort of a "sing along" song

11. Techno Santa Claus : (Lyrics)
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Atmosphere at the dance club is boring until Techno Santa Claus and Rudolph suddenly appear roaring down the fire escape. Techno Santa Claus cheers everyone on, drinks, dances and in the end after a big surprise everyone receives presents ... how cool is that ...

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