Two Headed PuppyTwo Headed PuppyTwo Headed Puppy
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Song : Come Another Time

Buy digital download on: iTunes | Amazon MP3 | CD Baby | Buy CD here

You work on your project, your act, your song for a long time putting forward all of your efforts. You search for your five minutes of fame. When encountering the decision maker they tell you how you are great and how you are wonderful, but you need to work on it a bit more and please "Come Another Time"...

Lyrics :

For a moment in this life
Thought a chance for me had come

Dreamed my way from day to day
Hoping for success and praise
I assumed I'd pleased the Lord
Never thought I'd be, be ignored

All my life I spent in waiting
for the right moment to come
Then they told me
Come Another Time

Can't believe they turned me down
greatest genius in town

Every time that I'm ignored
they keep saying work some more
This is not what they had in mind
Bunch of losers - deaf and blind

So I retreat to my old room
and jump on stage
Play for the masses in my head
with all this rage

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