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Music on this album is meant for relaxation. You will near sleep while listening, therefore the album title. State of "in somnia" to cure insomnia ... Revel in the smooth, relaxing compositions. Wind down and let your mind wonder. Take a moment and daydream. Synchronize your muscles with the gentle rhythms. Let this serene music make your day ... Makes a great gift!

cool album cover for in somnia

An assortment of instruments was used in the creation process. Acoustic guitar is the lead instrument for most tracks. Background full orchestra ensembles add to the richness of the tone. Piano sounds were used liberally for solo parts and to add harmony in chord progressions. Calming rhythms and drum sequences complement the arrangements. Several styles make up the album including soft rock, orchestral and synthesizer sequences.

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1. Storytellers : (5:45) - smooth synthesizer sequences
2. Ice Princess : (4:45) - acoustic and electric guitar soft rock
3. Living in Your Dreams : (4:08) - acoustic guitar soft rock
4. Pleasant Memory : (5:15) - smooth synthesizer sequences
5. Hallway Lights : (3:21) - smooth synthesizer sequences
6. Look of Comfort : (4:40) - acoustic guitar soft rock
7. Sidewalk Story : (3:50) - acoustic guitar soft rock
8. In Hip Hop Somnia : (3:43) - acoustic guitar with smooth synthesizer sequences
9. When Time Doesn't Matter : (4:02) - piano and acoustic guitar soft rock
10. Simple Situations Simple Images : (5:30) - clarinet with orchestral arrangement
11. Cells of Ink : (3:23) - piano with acoustic guitar soft rock
12. Front Porch : (5:20) - smooth synthesizer sequences
13. Life in Slow Motion: (4:38) - acoustic guitar soft rock
14. Waltz in Somnia : (4:50) - piano with orchestral arrangement

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