Two Headed PuppyTwo Headed PuppyTwo Headed Puppy
contact information for all your queries help is here in navigating the site
main music page with music releases and information
list of released albums
information on the CD album seven days of electronica is available here
information on the CD album words over arpeggios is available here
information on the CD album Lullabies and BlahBlahbies is available here
information on the CD album Band of Five Mes is available here
in somnia 1 relaxing instrumental music album
imperfection relaxing instrumental music album
various photos, headshots et cetera
who is two headed puppy, short autobiography, overview and corporate leaders
you know you are an indy musician when ...
... to add to this list please e-mail me ... click here

You know you are an Independent Musician when ....

- you are 100% certain that you will make it big tomorrow
- all record companies and music publishers are like black holes for your CDs. They get in but no one ever hears from them again
- there are more people on the stage than in the audience during your shows
- nobody's ever heard of you
- you are the composer, play all instruments, record, mix, master, create the artwork and physically make the CD for your next release
- you are 100% unsolicited
- you always think that music on the radio sucks when compared to yours
- you wear blue jeans and a black shirt and sneakers
- most of your audience at open mics are other open mic performers
- you have quit with your music aspirations a zillion times, and then started over again
- you don't get enough sleep
- you definitely have a real job which pays for your "music career"
- you placed a few songs in some independent student films ... that didn't go anywhere
- when you ask for someone's opinion of your music, they always say "It's great!"
- your friends come to your shows - once
- you intern at a music company
- you are a waiter/waitress
- you live in LA and you have to pay to play
- you dress up like a rock star and go to the Rainbow
- you are working on your next album (you have been for the past four years)
- you have a gig coming up, and you are passing out 4"x5" fliers to everyone
- music companies want nothing to do with you
- people employed at music companies want nothing to do with you
- friends and relatives of people employed at music companies want nothing to do with you
- you give a CD to your hairdresser whose sister's exboyfriend's mother-in-law's neighbor works with "something in music" with hopes of making it big
- you have never actually released a CD
- you have a website that you last updated two and a half years ago
- no one understands "your art"
- you are thinking of going country
- when you post the "you know you are an independent musician" list to attract people to your web site
- you have already spent the money that you will make after reaching number one on the charts
- you just plain and simply love music and being a musician
- you are just about to sign a record deal
- you were once "just about to sign a record deal"
- you can't sing really well
- because you are not dependent on anyone
- you made a mistake when recording your CD and you hope that no one notices
- you are begging people to download your music from the Internets
- you are afraid that someone will steal your music
- your style is out of style
- you're surprised that not everyone has heard of you after you played that pub 2 years ago.
- you started playing music to impress a girl (or guy)
- your first instruments were either violin, accordion, flute or piano ... all results of your parents aspirations
- the mailing list on your web site has seven members
- you've tried out for Idol
- your guitar string just broke
- you don't realize that CDs are history
- you just deleted the song project file you have been working on for days and you have no backup

... to add to this list please e-mail me ... click here

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Current average : 10
You know you are an Independent Musician when ...

woof woof

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