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Song : Suburban Musician

Buy digital download on: iTunes | Amazon MP3 | CD Baby | Buy CD here

A song about musicians that have regular lives in the suburbs and cannot relate to all the suffering and drama in many of today's songs as well as in the rock classics..... Each verse contains a title of a well known song. Suburban Musician analyzes each of these songs ...

Lyrics :

I'm not here to break some stuff
'm not gonna knock you out
I don't relate to shattered lives
I don't twist ... and I never shout

I don't smoke on the water
I face my problems I don't just let it be
I've got more or less then a feeling
Some personal advice ... don't take chance on me

I tell my hard core tale of life
I'm racing back, through the cul de sac
Smack a kiss on my big bad wife
The best one you can find
I've got an SUV, big screen TV
Christmas lights to blow you mind

No one important has left me
All my friends are by my side
I don't drink and my feet aren't loose at all
I was born .... but not to be wild

I'm not giving away anything
Rest assured I won't sell the world
I was not born in the USA
And I'm platinum, not solid gold

I'm real but I'm not standing up
Don't lean on me, 'cause you might fall
Satisfaction, yeah I've got that
I'm not gonna jump, I'm in control

No sweetener needed for my dreams
If you care to follow please walk this way
I know exactly if I should go or if I should stay

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