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Poem : Cells Of Ink

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Cells Of Ink

Words :

As I feel unrest and eagerness
a rush of feelings explodes in me I cease all I do , grab a pen in my hand
and start writing on plain paper
Thoughts , feelings, emotions boil in my body overwhelming me.
Inclined to flow out somehow, a stream is formed
flooding through the veins in my arms,
my trembling hands, gushing through my fingers energizing the ink ...
which then surprisingly smoothly flows onto plain paper.
Words are formed , sentences pronounced,
thoughts collected, feelings extracted, emotions captured.
I recognize myself in the ink particles.
I recognize the emotions , thoughts, sensations ..
The paper and the ink, they contain a part of me.
They are not only cells of ink. They are cells of my body

Then you take the paper in your gentle hands,
stroke over the dry ink with your fingers,
Searching for a meaning.
As your eyes capture the paper,
they draw the ink in,
lift the words and sentences up off the paper and straight into your pupils
You feel the particles of ink flow from your eyes into every pore of your body.
It suddenly makes sense. Different words arousing different emotions.
You now have a part of me inside of you
Cells from my body are flowing inside yours
I have become a part of your existence. Can you feel me?
Can you feel my thoughts, my emotions .....

From a plain piece of paper
To all that choose to see
It�s the simple cells of ink
That make the real bond
Between you, my friends!
And me !

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